Through a newsletter, conference, and other activities, BIG Difference BC brings together a network of behavioural insights enthusiasts and experts from government, academia, and across the public, non-profit, and private sectors in British Columbia and beyond.

Your Privacy:
We take your privacy seriously. BIG Difference BC does not share this list with anyone or allow its use for anything other than distribution of the BIG Difference BC newsletter.

Please note that Mailchimp tracks the opening of Mailchimp emails, which may include the time/date, location, type of device used to open the email, and any clicks on links in the email. BIG Difference BC will only use this data to optimize the newsletter to better serve the community. If you do not wish this information to be tracked, please do not sign up for this email list. 

For more information about this email list or its use, please contact

Fine Print: 
Your personal information is collected in accordance with s.26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, British Columbia, and will be used, accessed, disclosed and stored by the BC Public Service Agency and its service providers inside and outside of Canada to process your registration, receive feedback, and communicate with you. If you have any questions about the collection or use of your personal information, please contact the Lead, BC Behavioural Insights Group at
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